News - Friday, Mar 7, 2025


LAPMOD is a Lagrangian particle model used to simulate the atmospheric dispersion and removal of inert gaseous or aerosol species.

The model is directly interfaced to the CALMET diagnostic meteorological model (the US-EPA recommended CALPUFF's meteorological processor), therefore it is capable to simulate the atmospheric dispersion over complex orography. LAPMOD can also use, via its meteorological processor LAPMET, the same meteorological input files of the US-EPA recommended AERMOD air quality model. The model output can be processed by means of the LAPOST post-processor, which computes statistical parameters (e.g. percentiles) and all the FIDOL parameters (excluding the offensivness).

LAPMOD simulates the release from a number of source types:

  • buoyant and non-buoyant point sources
  • linear sources
  • circular sources
  • volumetric sources (parallelepipeds and spheres)

LAPMOD calculates averaged and integrated concentration and dry and wet deposition fields. LAPMOD has been validated against the data of the Kincaid, Indianapolis and Praire Grass experiments.

Important features of LAPMOD in the odour impact assessment field are:

  • the ability to use complex meteorological fields in complex orography
  • the ability to simulate different source geometries
  • the capability to simulate releases of few minutes, while other dispersion models have a minimum time resolution of 1 hour
  • the capability to directly calculate concentration averages of few minutes, while other models calculate only 1 hour averages

More information about the LAPMOD model is available upon request.

Contact Info
Enviroware srl
Via Dante, 142
20863 Concorezzo (MB)

Phone: (+39) 039 620 3636
Fax: (+39) 039 604 2946
Head Office: Enviroware