News - Friday, Mar 28, 2025


This section contains links to legislations, guidelines and documents of good practice concerning odor pollution.


The Technical Framework - Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW provides a policy framework for assessing and managing activities that emit odour and offers guidance on dealing with odour issues to industry, consent authorities, planners, environmental regulators and odour specialists. The Framework is accompanied by the Technical Notes.


Determination and assessment odour in ambient air (Guideline on odour in ambient air - GOAA) 13th May, 1998, issued 7th May, 1999 and Translation March 2003


Lombardy Region (Italy) guidelines to apply to all the activities which might generate odor emissions during their exercise.

Pedemont Region (Italy) guidelines about odor pollution from food cooking operations.

New Zealand

Review of Odour Management in New Zealand August 2002, Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand.

Good Practice Guide for Assessing and Managing Odour in New Zealand June 2003, Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand.

The Netherlands

The NeR, the Netherlands Emission Guidelines for Air, is a national guideline, aimed at harmonising the environmental permits in the Netherlands with respect to abatement of emissions to the air. For this purpose the NeR gives emission standards that agree with the Best Available Techniques.

United Kingdom

Odour guidance 2010, SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency), January 2010.

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