News - Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Plume impingement

This tool allows to estimate if the impingement of a plume on a building or a hill causes offensive odour. Impingement may occur and produce high concentrations on the face of a building or on hills at a considerable distance downwind of the stack, especially under stable conditions. The estimation method does not depend on the building height and assumes always that the centre of the plume impinges on the building. This is the worst-case situation, yielding the most conservative result.
This procedure can be applied to simple situations, while complex orography and/or the presence of many buildings require to carry out a dispersion modelling study.

Odour emission rate (OU/m3):
Allowed odour concentration at ground (OU/m3):
Distance from the stack (m):


Level 1 odour impact assessment procedure in: Assessment and management of odour from stationary sources in NSW. Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, November 2006.

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